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Bouquet of Regret (Angel's Shifters Book 1) Page 5

  “Kyler broke your nose, sweetheart, but rubbing noses is one of our favorite ways to show affection between us and a few others. Since you cannot take part without suffering pain, we’ll kiss your forehead instead,” Riff explained. Words of protest rose in my throat, but Claire kissed my brow before a single one escaped. Riff rubbed my back while the entire choir followed her lead. My heart was so warm. I’d never felt this accepted, other than when I was with Matty. And, since my back was so sensitive, Riff’s careful touch was fantastic. If I were a cat, I would have purred.

  “How about you and Riff try the song he chose, and we’ll give you our honest opinion, Angel?” Mr. Thatch offered, and I gulped, albeit I nodded after a moment. I didn’t understand why he was so excited to sing with me, or for us to be paired up, other than he was lonely in the choir.

  “We fit perfectly,” Riff murmured, and I jerked my gaze to his eyes in surprise. Smiling, he sang a familiar Disney song.

  “’Riffraff,’ ‘Street rat’

  I don’t buy that

  If only they’d look closer

  Would they see a poor boy?

  No, siree

  They’d find out

  There’s so much more to me...”

  My eyes opened once he finished. God, his voice was amazing. It wrapped around you like velvet in the sweetest, most heartbreaking way. I never wanted Riff to stop singing, so I understood why he got the solos because, god, he had a heavenly voice. After a moment, the song he chose sank in, and my cheeks heated. I supposed it was all over the school that Kyler called me ‘street rat.’

  Grinning, Mr. Thatch indicated the piano with his head, and a beaming Claire flounced to it. Once seated, she played Riff’s chosen song, and I gulped. However, my mouth opened at the proper time, and I sang. Even though I was nervous, Riff held me close, and I drew courage from his support. When his voice joined mine, goosebumps broke out across my skin, and I glanced down only to discover he had them on his arms. My eyes met Riff’s, and his twinkled with mischief, which helped me relax. I liked Riff, he was adorable and made me feel safe.

  Only once our voices faded away did I risk a glance around the classroom. Dropped jaws are what I discovered, and then as one, our fellow students began cheering and clapping. There were a few wolf whistles, and my cheeks burned. “Goddamn are their voices perfect together. Holy shit,” one boy declared with a grin full of pride.

  “And the chemistry sizzles between them,” his partner added with a broad grin. “I fear what will happen if they dance.” My cheeks grew hotter, and the class laughed, but I sensed no malice behind it.

  “See?” Riff chuckled, his fingers caressing my cheek when I met his eyes with a shy smile. “I told you it would be a perfect song for us. I realized as soon as I heard your voice this morning that I found my match. And, if you ever want to date, I am so down for that. Otherwise, we’ll be best friends, and I’m content with that too. I insist on that best. Consider me a puppy nipping at your heels.” His cheerful declaration left me speechless, and he laughed under his breath before kissing my forehead. “I’m serious, Angel, everywhere you go, I’ll dog you. Unless you have plans. Then I’ll make plans, so you don’t worry that I’m off pouting somewhere.”

  My brow furrowed while I pondered how he knew that was the exact worry that popped into my head. “Once, our town had someone like you living here, although he died before his time, and I recall how he acted. His thoughts and actions were similar to yours. So that’s why we are good at reading you. And why we understand. He was beloved, and we miss him so much. We became lost without him. Not that you’ve replaced him, so stop worrying about that. You’ve eased a painful ache while you carve your own place within our hearts.”

  I swallowed while his words pained my heart. Riff seemed sure I wouldn’t have to leave, but that was a mere dream. I didn’t want to hurt them when I ran, but what choice did I have? And, I couldn’t help but wonder, was he talking about the same person Marcus mentioned last night? When I tried to withdraw, Riff didn’t press his arm against my back, but neither did he allow me to retreat. “If you end up having to leave, Angel, we’ll gladly take the pain of losing you. Let us enjoy soaking up your presence while we can. Please understand that we can’t get enough of your company. Perhaps, we’ll go with you when you run too. Did you ever think of that? I understand a larger group makes it harder to hide, but you’ll find we’re superb at surviving. Especially in the woods. Maybe we’ll build a village in the forest and go off-grid. Let’s see him find you then,” Riff murmured tenderly.

  I blinked while processing his words, then tears filled my eyes only to roll down my cheeks while a soft sob tore from my throat. Wrapping my arms around him, my fingers fisted in his shirt, and I cried into Riff’s chest while he stroked my hair. Between him and Marcus, I felt like I was home.

  A Growing World

  They enveloped me in a group hug again, with each member of the choir kissing my forehead once more. Afterward, I sniffled, and they encouraged me to release as much of my pain as I could. Their gentle words rained on my lonely, starved soul, which soaked up their affection and attention like parched earth.

  Mr. Thatch reminded me of my homework with a laugh moments before the bell rang. Surprisingly, Riff threw his arm over my shoulders and escorted me through the hall. Everyone, and I mean everyone, stopped to watch us with incredulous expressions. When we passed a trio of what I believed to be football players, Riff kissed my cheek while staring them down. He chuckled when my cheeks burned, and I risked meeting his gaze. Warm, beautiful sky-blue eyes met mine while a boyish grin curled his lips.

  “My way of warning them to leave you alone. A declaration of war as it were,” Riff offered nonchalantly in answer to my unspoken question. He grinned when I blinked at him for a moment before lowering my eyes. “As long as they do not hurt you, I won’t retaliate. But, Angel, whatever they do to you, I will return tenfold. You do not deserve their abuse, and I refuse to stand aside and allow it. I know the thought of anyone harming another to protect you pains your soul, but even the idea of you hurting is agony to mine.”

  My chest constricting, I returned my gaze to Riff’s eyes, and he gave me a gentle smile. “I mean it. It’s the same for all of us, Angel. Well, other than one stupid asshole. I’m sorry about Kyler. I can’t do much about him today. However, after school, that should change. Then we shall see if he dares mess with you while I’m around. If he torments you when I’m absent, well I shall take the fight to him,” Riff promised with his eyes darkening to a deep blue like the night sky.

  Pain gripped my heart at the thought of Riff and Kyler at each other’s throats, and I gasped while struggling to breathe. My nose and mouth suddenly could not pull oxygen into my lungs. Tears filled my eyes while breathing remained beyond my grasp. My vision darkened, and I clutched Riff’s shirt to ground myself. A gentle kiss on my brow led to my chest relaxing long enough for my lungs to drag in a painful breath. With a loud gasp, I managed another harsh breath before I began coughing, and once again, breathing was beyond me. He cupped my cheeks, and it was like something within my soul responded to Riff’s gentle, unspoken demand.

  My chest relaxed as if it were innocent in my struggles, while my lungs filled several times before I opened my eyes. Tears clung to my lashes, and Riff smiled tenderly while moving his thumbs to wipe away the ones under my eyes. Without speaking, he placed another kiss on my forehead, and even my shoulders relaxed this time. I warily stared at this boy who appeared to have some power over me with fearful awe, and his smile became rueful. When my emotions twisted like angry vines within my chest, he shook his head and kissed my brow once more. A shuddering breath escaped my lips while the storm within me calmed.

  Before I could back away, he pulled my numb body into a gentle hug, and I shuddered. The next moment, I buried my face in his chest and held him as tight as I could. Something about our embrace soothed my soul, and I grew peaceful. When I raised my head, Riff’s eyes were full
of gentle concern, although he smiled when I met his gaze for several moments. Upon dropping my eyes, it surprised me to discover that my skin didn’t crawl like I expected.

  “Why?” I asked on an exhale. I doubt I made any sound, but Riff cocked his head to the side, and his expression grew thoughtful.

  “What if I told you your soul recognizes something within me it craves? Not romantically, but what my soul carries completes yours. Or at least a part of it. Claire’s does the same, just like the rest of our choir. You’ve wandered around all your life, mostly empty without realizing it. Matty is the reason you live, but Marcus completes you in a way the rest of us cannot. Save one, but he chose not to. Selfish, immature bastard. I wish I could explain, but one day, Marcus will. Until then, please try to be patient, Angel. I promise this isn’t an awful thing. It’s wonderful for us and you, I swear. But I understand that you are skittish and unsure, sweetheart. So, I’m not angry or upset, nor disappointed. Just hopeful that someday you’ll smile without shadows of pain in your eyes. And, if it’s possible, I’d love to meet Matty and tell him how amazing his big sister is, although I’m sure he already knows,” Riff murmured.

  With a slight smile, I became immersed in a memory of Matty sprinting towards me with a smile a mile wide, and his arms open for a hug. Nobody hugs like Matty. He puts his entire body into it and crushes you in the best way. Even though Marcus and Riff make me feel like I’m home, I know without a doubt I am when I receive one of Matty’s hugs.

  “All right, let’s get food into that stomach of yours because I know you skipped breakfast. Every spare penny goes to Matty, and you can survive with only one meal a day, hmm? No longer, but we’ll work on that,” Riff decreed with a slight smirk.

  Before I could protest, his arm was around my shoulders, and my feet obediently headed towards the cafeteria. I swallowed nervously upon realizing the halls were empty. Which meant everyone would see us enter like this. Did Riff stop us on purpose? I believed he did. It wasn’t out of malice, but to declare I was under his protection.

  Everyone stared when we entered the cafeteria. I had my arm behind Riff’s back, and my fingers clenched in his shirt, where no one could see. Chuckling, he kissed my forehead without pausing, and my cheeks heated while I tilted my head to meet his gaze. He led me toward a table full of our classmates from choir, albeit he noticed when my feet faltered while we passed Zach. Smirking, he grabbed the collar of Zach’s shirt, jerking him to his feet before giving him a gentle shove between his shoulders. Snorting, Zach grabbed his lunch and backpack before giving Riff a two-fingered salute. He took a seat next to Claire with a rueful smile, which she responded to by patting his head with a wide grin. Riff indicated the chair beside Zach, then sat next to me.

  Riff pulled a bag out of his backpack, which he emptied to reveal a hefty sandwich, a bag of chips, and a small container of grapes. I blinked, and the fruit was in front of me. Before I could protest, everyone at the table placed a minor part of their meal before me. Each student nonchalantly returned to eating or conversation while I stared at the plethora of food. Even Zach contributed a yogurt.

  “Eat it, or it goes in the trash,” Riff murmured after taking a big bite of his sandwich. “It brings us joy to provide you with food, Angel, you are an important part of our dynamic. You don’t have to eat it now, save some for a snack later, or even breakfast tomorrow. But if you don’t eat it, we won’t either, and it’ll waste.” When I met his gaze, he gave me a broad smile, then took another bite of his sandwich, looking pleased with himself.

  Swallowing nervously, I reached shaking fingers towards the grapes he gave me and pulled them closer to eat them. His pleased approval radiated from him in waves. Next, I munched on the carrots Claire gave me, before eating Zach’s yogurt. I still had several granola bars to go, all distinct flavors, a peach, a few pieces of jerky, a handful of nuts, and a cookie. My fingers twitched when I saw the homemade chocolate chip cookie, and my mouth watered, although I didn’t reach for it. Someone made that for them, and it wasn’t my place to take it.

  Amused green eyes met mine when I chanced a glance, and I bit my trembling lip. “My mom would love to bake cookies for you whenever you like,” the boy offered. “Name’s Dare, there’s a story behind that too. When you’re not overwhelmed with new, I’ll tell it to you, promise.” I gave him a weak smile, and he beamed. Before I realized what I was doing, I moved his bangs out of his eyes, and his smile grew tender. He was Claire’s partner, the one who brushed away my tears, and his dark blond hair was cut close to his head other than his bangs, which touched his cheeks.

  Nodding his head to indicate the girl across from him, he grinned and declared, “this is my twin, Rebel.” I blinked for a moment, taking in the pixie cut that looked wonderful on her, and the tips of her dark blonde hair, which were an electric blue. Her green eyes were full of warmth when I shyly met her gaze, and she smiled brightly to which I gave her a shy smile. “Rebel is a, well, rebel, but she’s harmless as far as you’re concerned.”

  “Give me ten minutes with that bastard on the other hand,” she growled menacingly, and I hunched. Her posture softened with her eyes becoming warm once more with an apologetic frown twisting her lips. “I’m sorry, Angel, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just loathe men who think they can bully girls because they’re god’s gift to the world since they are male. Chauvinistic pigs. I had not realized one plagued our school too.” I gulped when she said that, feeling hostile eyes glaring at the back of my head.

  “I am an intruder, so I cannot say I blame him. I came here and messed up his orderly world,” I protested, and several scoffs met my words. I didn’t dare turn in my seat and meet his gaze, nor did I wish to experience the odd ache my heart suffered upon seeing the hatred in his eyes. Why does my heart care so much for this boy it doesn’t know? Well, all the more reason to avoid him. I don’t want to be my mother, and I refuse to risk making her mistake. There will be no high school hotshots in my life, not as potential romantic pursuits, anyway. Besides, with my plans to leave the country, there’s no point in dating anyone only to discover they don’t want to travel. Then I would be lost trying to figure out where to go while minding an excited Matty and dealing with a broken heart. No. No, thank you.

  “Bullshit,” the boy next to Rebel snorted. His hair was an inky black, sloppily spiked on top of his head in places, while the rest brushed the tips of his ears. His eyes were a gorgeous golden hazel that left me jealous.

  “I love your eyes,” I blurted, my cheeks heating while a pleased grin curled his lips. Resting his chin on his hand, he eyed me while I stared at my lap with burning cheeks. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ah jabber.” Warm laughter followed my words, and I hunched my shoulders. Chuckling, Riff stood, and the boy with the gorgeous eyes took his place.

  “I believe that is the first time anyone has given me so sincere a compliment. Don’t be sorry, Angel. I’m pleased. My name is Drake, and I’m Rebel’s partner. If you ever tire of Riff, I can handle two girls and keep ‘em both satisfied,” he told me with a wink. The table exploded with raucous laughter and jeers while Riff shook his head with his arms crossed.

  “Bitch, please, you can’t even satisfy one!” Riff mocked, although his eyes were full of warmth when I checked.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Riff,” Drake murmured with a mocking expression and his hand over his heart. “I never realized you were a girl. I’ll do my best to rectify your unsatisfied status.” I couldn’t help myself, I burst out laughing, throwing my head back while tears of laughter filled my eyes. When I regained control of myself, the teenagers at our table had their eyes closed and pleased smiles curling their lips. As one, they opened their eyes to reveal adoration shining in them.

  Swallowing nervously, I dropped my gaze while my cheeks heated. “Has anyone told you that your laughter is beautiful?” Drake asked, and I shook my head. I am the one laughed at, not the one laughing. “Bastards,” he muttered, seeming to guess where my thoughts strayed.
“But, seriously, Angel, you have a gorgeous laugh. And to hear it, well, my trivial problems no longer weigh on my mind. I feel cleansed and relaxed.”

  The other students at the table nodded their agreement, and I lowered my eyes, embarrassed to be the center of attention. But also pleased I helped them, even if it was only in some small way. “Well, I’m happy I took your mind off things,” I mumbled awkwardly. Chuckles met my words, but thankfully, the subject changed.

  “So, I hear you work?” Rebel asked, and I nodded.

  “Yeah, at Ava’s gas station,” I replied, hoping they knew it. Otherwise I would embarrass myself by describing where it sits in perfect detail and reveal my photographic memory. Every other person who’s learned of it hated me.

  “Ah, makes sense, Marcus would want to watch you,” one boy murmured. “Ethan,” he added with a friendly grin. He had strawberry blond hair and vibrant green eyes. Whereas the girl next to him had soft gray eyes and long black hair reaching her mid-back. “She’s Talia.” Talia gave me a friendly wave, her eyes shining with amusement, and I gave her a shy one in return with warm cheeks. God, I don’t believe I’ve blushed this much in my entire life. Then again, no one ever paid me this much attention before either. Usually, it was ‘here’s your daily dose of punishment for having the gall to breathe,’ then everyone ignored me.

  Drake returned to his seat after bumping my shoulder with a friendly smile, and after I got over my startlement, I grinned. Taking his place beside me, Riff indicated a boy with dark brown hair that was almost black who had soulful brown eyes, “that’s Benny. His partner is Jazlyn.” A girl with long mahogany hair in loose ringlets smiled, her jade green eyes sparkling with mischief.

  “if you ever seek to prank anyone, I am at your service,” Jazlyn grinned, and my lips curled into a broad smile. Benny rolled his eyes, albeit he grinned, and Jazlyn indicated him with her thumb while laughing. “Benny is too, although he’s also your alibi. See, I pull off the prank while Benny organizes our innocence.” I couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped my lips, although I tried.