Bouquet of Regret (Angel's Shifters Book 1) Read online

Page 4

  “Yes, Angel, we do,” he replied. “Some cretin has ruined you singing today, but we can salvage the day by learning more about the soul behind your heavenly voice.” My cheeks heated, and I bit my lip while shame filled me for ruining everyone’s day. Here they were, ready to sing, and my presence forced them to abstain.

  “I can still sing,” I protested. Even though my nose and eye injuries happened mere minutes ago, my mind had dismissed them. My ribs ached worse than either my eye or nose. Although they were almost healed.

  “You can sing tomorrow,” Mr. Thatch corrected. “For today, we will learn more about our diamond in the rough.” My cheeks must have radiated heat with how hot they burned, and I hunched my shoulders to become smaller. Clucking his tongue, he added, “or we can sing after your story if you stop dragging your feet.” He smiled when I glanced at him, and I sighed before nodding my acceptance. So, there was no way out of it. Well, that made my decision easier, at least. Hopefully, I wouldn’t bore anyone to tears. Albeit, I hoped no one laughed or scoffed. I did not know how I would react, but my heart would ache. “From the beginning, Angel,” the choir director clarified before I could consider shirking any details.

  “Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much,” I drawled sarcastically, and everyone in the choir room burst into laughter. My cheeks that just cooled heated again. However, I admitted I was delighted to have prompted their laughter instead of being the recipient. “My father was the high school hotshot. He had a promising career as a quarterback ahead of him, and he was beautiful too. He had blonde hair that curled at the ends and gorgeous light blue eyes. Matty is his carbon copy, down to the dimples, although he isn’t interested in sports. But, um, in college, dad met mom, who was a shy bookworm. She tutored him so he could keep playing, and everything was great until he went to a party, got drunk, and ended up hurt. I guess he and his teammates were horsing around and, well, the wrong injury ends a career,” I murmured thickly.

  “It forced him to give up the game, but he refused to stop drinking. Mom loved him when everyone else turned their backs on the fallen star. Her love wasn’t enough to put him back together, and by the time I came around, he was mean. He didn’t want a daughter, but he tolerated me because I was his child. Still, when mom was at work, if I made too much noise or did anything wrong, he made me see my error. Albeit, he ensured he left no marks. He recognized mom wouldn’t tolerate him hitting her daughter. To her, he spoke cruelly, but he didn’t strike her. I am thankful for that because it would have broken her heart. If she learned what he did to me, well, even as gentle as she was, she would have killed him.” I heard noises of distress around me, but my eyes saw nothing because I was lost to the past.

  “He dabbled in the illegal, but his best friend thrived in it. I hate that man. I was so happy when Matty was born, I was eight, but it thrilled my father. However, he claimed he no longer had any need of me. So, to afford his tabs and outstanding bills, he told his friend he wanted to sell me off to the highest bidder.” My eyes closed, and I fought my tears while my body shuddered with a soft sob escaping my throat.

  “Oh, Angel,” Claire whispered. I sensed movement, then her chair scraped, and she lay her arm across my shoulders. After swallowing at this unusual offer of comfort, I tried to find the courage to meet her eyes but lacked the strength.

  “His friend liked me and always had. He was nice, but I didn’t like him. Mom did because he often brought dad home when he was drunk and got him out of whatever trouble he found. I hated the way he watched me. He never did anything, but he creeped me out. Anyway, after dad stated his intention when mom was at work, his friend’s expression darkened. The next day, dad was walking to the bar across the street from our apartment, and a car mowed him down. They pronounced him dead on impact,” my breath shuddered past my lips, and I blinked to dislodge the tears blurring my vision. Gentle fingers brushed them away, and I hesitantly met concerned green eyes.

  “Even though dad was gone, his friend often hung around. Offering to watch Matty and me when mom had to work. Sometimes mom’s friend watched us instead. I preferred that. I asked that man if he was behind my father’s death, and he chuckled. He explained how it would have happened if he was, although the example he gave required his victim being in a car. He said he would box them in, a car on each side, with a fifth one several yards away, where the victim could see through the windows of the car blocking them. He would want them to see it coming. And, as the vehicle in front moved, the executioner car would speed to crash head on into the victims. It would be a bigger, better vehicle so it would survive while the intended victim’s car would be devastated. It’s quite the method of execution, and I was sickened when he described it with a grin of delight,” my voice died, and I had to clear my throat. Claire’s eyes were sad when I risked a glance, and her arm tightened to offer more support.

  “One day, mom’s friend was supposed to watch me because mom was taking Matty to this amusement park for kids. Being ten, I wanted nothing to do with it. I thought it was too young for me. It was geared towards toddlers, so I wasn’t wrong. However, as she was leaving, I changed my mind. God, we had so much fun. Mom let me go on the rides with Matty, and I can still hear his chortles of enjoyment. We played games, ate a bunch of unhealthy crap, and had the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. Mom won passes to the park that came with enough money for everything we did. Looking back, it’s obvious what happened. But mom was so excited she didn’t think twice.” My voice shook, and it took me a moment to not bawl. This part never gets easier to talk about.

  “Everything was wonderful until we got into the parking lot. Mom parked away from everyone else, like always. She was worried she would hit someone’s car, you know? Once we got in, before she could even start it, a car came barreling out of nowhere to stop behind her and two more pulled beside ours. I was shaking when the fourth car stopped in front of ours. I didn’t even look. I took my seatbelt off and left my seat to get between Matty and the windshield. Tires squealed, and I knew it was coming. Mom did too. She told me she loved me a mere second before the other car crashed into us. The windshield shattered, and the glass sliced into my back. However, it was our car hitting the one behind us that caused my back to slam into mom’s seat and fractured my spine. The glass damaged my nerves, and they healed wrong, so my back is very sensitive. But the damage done to my spine was permanent. If I take too hard a blow, it could break completely, and I’ll spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair if I’m lucky. I had to relearn to walk as it was. I kept Matty in the hospital with me, dad’s friend wanted to sell him when he found out he was alive. He still doesn’t know where Matty is, and if he ever finds him, I do not doubt he will live a life that makes mine look like paradise. About every three months, he finds me, and I’m always in the hospital for weeks after his visit. Then I run, find somewhere to hide, and hope I found somewhere he can’t locate me. Him and his two buddies. It’s always the three of them. Our dialogue is always the same too. If I give up Matty, he’ll give me a home. Tch. What he means is a cage. But I wouldn’t give up Matty even if it meant I could live in my dream house. Once I graduate, I hope to get a good enough job to save up so I can get us out of the country. I only see Matty a couple times a year, and he never stays the night. If his companion messages me and I don’t respond, they leave. So far, this method has kept him safe. The boys boarding school he attends understands our plight and works with me to keep him safe. So long as I pay his tuition fee for the year before it’s over, they’re flexible about payment. He stays through breaks with a teacher, and she’s the one he travels with too. I miss him so much, but he’s happy and having fun, which is what matters,” I finished while swallowing a sob.

  “Oh, Angel,” Claire cried, pulling me into a hug and crying into my shoulder. I stared at my feet, startled. I don’t think anyone has ever cried over my story. However, when I looked up, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. “You poor dear. It wasn’t your fault. You kno
w that, right? None of it was your fault.” I disagreed. That man killed my parents because of me. My father because he intended to get rid of me. My mother, well, because she kept me from him. She had a claim, ownership, I suppose, and he didn’t like that. Matty he wanted to sell because he’s pretty and looks identical to dad. Thus, he makes quite the profit while dad rolls in his grave.

  I feared my sixteenth birthday, but it came and passed without a visit from the bastard. He admitted to me once that sixteen was close enough in his eyes, and I hadn’t needed to ask for an explanation. Thankfully, his last visit didn’t lead to any sexual advances. Hell, had I not known any better, I’d think he was waiting for me to hit eighteen. I don’t understand this new game, and I don’t like it. I despise any rules I do not know. In my world, what you don’t know can get you killed or worse. I didn’t tell them everything about that man, which was for the best. It’s not as if they would meet him.

  It was nice sharing my past with teenagers for once, instead of only the adults who must know. Marcus was the first person I willingly told. What was with the people of this town? They took my carefully laid rules and tossed them out. Hell, they turned my entire world upside down, and I hadn’t even been here a week. This was the first time since the accident that I feared the future. My shock grew until I was frozen in place when the students surrounding me moved closer for a group hug. At its center, tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks while a soundless sob shook my body.

  Once they released me, I wiped my face to erase my tears, and Mr. Thatch gave me a gentle hug. Patting my head, he crooked his finger at a boy sitting on the other side of the room, who gave me a bright grin when I glanced his way. Moments later, the boy stood in front of me, and I swallowed nervously. He was as beautiful as Kyler. His eyes were a gorgeous sky blue, while his short, spiked hair was white-blond with black tips. He had a dimple on one side when he grinned, which was adorable. He wore a tight black sleeveless shirt which showed off his ripped abs and arms, with ripped jeans that clung lovingly to his muscular thighs. I fought a smile when I discovered he wore combat boots as well and raised my gaze to meet his.

  “Hi, I’m the lonesome guy in this here show, so it looks like you and I get to be a pair,” he greeted with a bright smile. “I’m Griffith, but everyone who matters calls me Riff, so make sure you do, or I won’t answer, okay?” I blinked, and his grin widened when my brow furrowed, but I didn’t drop my eyes. Slower than usual, the skin between my shoulders crawled, and I lowered my gaze, but it went away faster than I expected. “As the loner, I’ve always stood in the middle singing solos,” Riff continued with a chuckle when my cheeks burned. “But now you can join me,” he breathed, and my face must have turned bright red from how hot my cheeks were.

  “I can dance a little,” I began, and he waved his hand dismissively with an easy smile. In the next moment, that hand was in front of my face, and I gulped before taking it. Riff’s slow, effortless flex had me standing in front of him, and I kept my eyes low. Gentle fingers beneath my chin had me looking up, and in the next moment, Riff laced our fingers together while moving his arm behind my back. Albeit, he was careful not to use pressure.

  “Slow dances,” Riff agreed with an indulgent chuckle when my cheeks burned so hot, I thought they might melt. “Maybe a gentle spin,” he added before changing his grip to lead me into a slow circle and bringing me back against him. My breath escaped my lungs in an excited gasp, and his lips curled into a delighted grin. “Otherwise, we can stand together or hold hands. Something simple, but still part of the show. Besides, for you and me, our voices are what we bring to the table. These inferior peasants delight the eyes rather than the ears.” He laughed when the classroom full of students jeered and mocked him. Although, when I glanced around, their eyes were full of laughter while they grinned and tossed insults at Riff.

  Slowly my shoulders relaxed, then I had nothing to dwell on other than this new boy still held me. I swallowed and stared at his chest while he cheerfully threw insults back at the choir. Now that I paid attention, I noticed he and Kyler had the same build, and were the same height. Albeit, Riff held himself softer, more approachable.

  “I think I would like that,” I admitted, and he beamed. Even the rest of the choir smiled with delight, and I ducked my head. Chuckling, Riff kissed my forehead, and I gasped. I couldn’t remember the last time someone my age gave me so tender a touch, especially of the opposite gender. Usually, I brought out the worst in people. Why was this town so different? I… I like it. But I can’t. What happens when it’s time for me to leave? “You realize I have to leave in a few months, right?” I asked in a hesitant whisper, and he nodded with a frown. “What happens when I have to leave?” The question burst forth from my mouth before I could stop it.

  “What happens if you don’t have to?” Riff asked with a gentle smile. His hand cupped my cheek, and I stared at him, speechless.

  “I don’t know how to stay, not anymore,” I whispered after a few minutes, and he chuckled. When did my life become a soap opera?

  “That’s okay, Angel, I’ll teach you,” Riff promised with a wink. Shaking my head, I would have pushed away from him, but something in my soul was so at peace I couldn’t. Instead, I leaned into his touch, and a pleased smirk curled his lips. When I glanced around from under my lashes, the entire class, including Mr. Thatch, was beaming. My shoulders relaxed, and it surprised me to discover I tensed since I didn’t realize it.

  “Every time we get a new pair in our show choir, they perform a duet in the cafeteria at lunch,” Claire declared, and my shocked eyes met hers. There was something in her gaze. It looked like a thirst for vengeance, but that couldn’t be right, could it? Who or what would she seek revenge against? Blinking, I realized who it was for, and a silent gasp left my lips. Poor Riff. What did the kids of this school say to him since he was alone in show choir? If my singing with him helped get the other kids off his back, then I wouldn’t protest.

  “I have an idea about that,” Riff grinned, and I hunched my shoulders at the trouble shining in his eyes. His smile gentled, and he cupped my cheek again. Only this time, his thumb stroked my skin too. “Have you heard the song Señorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello?” My brow furrowed while I searched my mind, then shock overtook me. There is no way I could sing that song because I’d make fools of us. “By your expression, you think you can’t do it. But, Angel, it’s not today that we have to sing, silly. No, our performance will be next week. See, we have all week to practice, not that we’ll need it. If you decide you want to perform earlier, then I’m down.”

  “That song is so sultry,” I protested, and Riff chuckled with a boyish grin. “I-I I,” I tried to explain, and he softened.

  “Never been kissed?” Riff offered with a quirked brow. I wish I could say that.

  “Not willingly,” I amended bitterly, and a grim scowl overtook his features.

  “That bastard?” He asked in a tight voice, and I nodded while biting my lip. His body tensed, and a low, feral growl rumbled from his chest. When I tried to back away, our eyes met, and he softened while calming with a rueful smile. “Sorry, but from what you’ve said of that guy, I loathe him. He cost you so much and hurts you, and I dislike that. Plus, I see how weary of running you are. But I understand why you had to. If I get my way, you never must run again.” What? He cannot mean to do what I suspect he does!

  “Riff, you cannot pick a fight with him,” I gasped, and he grinned wolfishly.

  “Oh, I can. Especially since it won’t be just me,” Riff chuckled, although his eyes were cold with anger. “We like you, Angel, and he can’t have you. Not anymore.” No! You cannot put yourself in danger’s path for me. I’m not worthy. I’m not. I wish I were. I wish I mattered. But I don’t. If it wasn’t for Matty, I would have given in long ago. He is my strength, my reason to fight.

  “Agreed,” echoed around me as every member of the show choir voiced their agreement. I stared at each one in shock, with
gentle and friendly smiles greeting my eyes. Why would anyone want to fight for me? What did they see in me?

  “Now that that’s settled,” Mr. Thatch chuckled, “Angel, it’s time I assign your homework for the foreseeable future.” When I glanced at him in surprise, our choir director smiled with amusement glittering in his eyes. “See, we don’t do choreography here. Instead, each pair improvises. Thus, you and Riff need to spend time together. This way, you are in synch, and your improvisation is flawless. Riff is in control of the choir since he sets up the scenes and dictates the costumes. Claire is his second, you could say. But, for our winter show to be successful, Riff is your homework.”

  I knew it was coming from the way his lips twitched, and the trouble shining in his eyes. “So, since I’m your homework, when and where would you like to do me?” Riff chuckled with his lips brushing my ear for every word. I couldn’t keep my lips from curling into a smile, although I tried, and I rolled my eyes before playfully shoving his chest, and he burst out laughing. I didn’t understand what was happening between this boy and me, but I liked it. Albeit, I found his willingness to face my demons worrisome. He couldn’t put himself in harm’s way for me. I refused to allow it. But, for a moment, I wanted to indulge my desire to be close to him. He felt so safe and sincere. “Okay, okay, but, if it’s all right with you, I’ll hang out with you in the evenings.” I nodded, and he smiled. My heart fluttered, and I gulped. His eyes softening, Riff lowered his head to place a gentle kiss on my brow, and my breath caught in my throat.

  Shaking his head, Riff looked at Claire, and she smiled before stepping closer so the two of them could rub their noses together. My eyes widened, and I glanced between them, my brow furrowing when Claire stepped away only to rub noses with the boy who I presumed was her show choir partner. Before my eyes, the entire choir repeated the action, and I stared at Riff, feeling lost.